I am so happy to be At Home with Rebecka today. Let me introduce myself. I am Mindie May Hilton. I am the blogger of Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo. I know it's kind of a mouthful but that's not always a bad thing, especially when it's a mouthful of good food. The name came about after discovering that I am hypoglycemic. That's me the hungry hungry hypo. I wanted a name for my blog that would reflect my outgoing fun personality. This just seemed to be a good fit.
Don't let the name fool you, just like bacon can be a versatile ingredient, I too am very diverse. My blog features many recipes, with and without bacon, along with some of my other passions in life, family, friends, entertaining, crafting, home decorating, and fashion. I live a fun and sometimes crazy domesticated life, and I like to blog about it all.
I also believe that honesty and humor are important qualities and you will find both at Bacon Time. http://bacontimewiththehungryhypo.blogspot.com/
Well to be honest I haven't always loved food. Let me explain, when I was in high school and early college years I struggled with anorexia. Then while still in college, I was in a car accident and hurt my neck and back. I went from working out all the time to not exercising and gained 100 pounds. I struggled with food and losing weight for years. One day I finally said " that's it, I am going to eat what I want (with in reason) but work out everyday". Well guess what.... it worked. I lost all the weight I had gained and have kept it off for five years now, even after a second child. It wasn't until recently that I was diagnosed with the hypoglycemia. Which basically means I can never skip a meal, even thinking about skipping one seems to make me feel ill. I sometimes wonder if God gave me this disease as a reward for all my years spent struggling with my weight. I know this is not true, just bad genetics, both of my parents are diabetic. I have hopes of never developing diabetes. I still work out every single day religiously, and eat a balanced diet (no I don't eat bacon everyday).
After earning my BAs with a concentration in Fine Arts, I enjoyed working in a variety of fields, from teaching, counseling, fashion, real estate, and physical therapy. None of these fields have ever been as fulfilling as working in my kitchen. Over the last year, I have been fortunate enough to stop working outside of the home and focus on my family and my career in food. If I am not chasing my toddler, taking my 8 year old to soccer or school, then I am at home cooking, blogging, or creating something with my hands. Here is a taste of some of the things I have added to my blog as tutorials.
Yes that's me admiring a pair of shoes I coutured up. I am also wearing a belt and scarf I made, cute don't you think? I can make them for you too, you can find them on my new Etsy shop.
All of these hand made pretties can be found at my online Shop TLC Creations!
When it comes to food, I don't have any boundaries. I love cooking and enjoying all different styles of food. I find myself, as a busy mom, wanting to create recipes that are easy to prepare but as someone that loves the arts, I also want the food to look fabulous too. If I had to brand myself with a cooking style it would most likely be the "Easy Gourmet". I also have a mantra "little kitchen, big food" since my kitchen is very modest but I never let it stop me from experimenting with new bold flavors.
Recently I have been blessed to have won two cooking contests. One with the Real Women of Philadelphia and one with the Johnsonville Sausage Pastaville challenge. I was honored to come in 2nd place, since almost 1500 chefs entered the Johnsonville challenge. Both recipes of mine that won combine spicy and sweet, this is certainly a combination I love.
Today however I would like to share with you all a tutorial for a recipe that I keep receiving good feed back on. It is so easy, you might not need the tutorial, but I always enjoy recipes that come with pics. This is a Bacon Egg & Cheese Wreath, simple, beautiful, and delicious.
Recently I have been on a mission to clean out my pantry and avoid buying new ingredients. So I made my breakfast wreath only using items I had on hand.
1 can of crescents 8count
5 large eggs
1 cup of shredded Colby and Monterey Jack cheese
8 slices of fully cooked bacon
Preheat oven to 375 F degrees. Scramble your eggs on stove top. Lay out crescents on a parchment lined pizza pan as shown above. |
Add your cooked bacon. Add about ⅓ of your cheese. |
Add your eggs and a third more of your cheese and fold crescents over. |
Add the rest of your cheese to the top and bake for 17 minutes or until crescents are done and golden brown.
Here is another idea, I have made sweet instead of savory wreathes before. I once filled the center with jam and sweetened peanut butter. Then after it cooled I topped it with melted white chocolate. Super easy and beautiful, that's my style of cooking.
Well I have had a lot of fun spending time with you all today. Thanks Rebecka for the invite. I hope you will all stop by my blog and say hi at http://bacontimewiththehungryhypo.blogspot.com/ .
I love all of my followers and work hard to bring them fun new crafts, recipes, and free give aways! If you have a recipe or craft you would like to have featured on my blog, I would love to talk to you about a post just for you. Just leave me a comment on my blog and I will get back to you soon.
Joy, I'm thrilled you had success with the apricot conserve!! I can't wait to see your photos and read about your cooking experience. Thank you for thinking to link the recipe back to my site. Muah!!I wanted to let you know that I just checked my stats today and your blog brings more traffic to my site than any other! Thank you my friend♥Biren, I'm honored to feature Mindy. Her story is very inspiring! I appreciate your positive energy and comments!
kitchen flavours
Hi Mindie, Rebecka is right! You have such a positive spirit! I've enjoyed reading and meeting you, even though, only through "bloggieland". You are really good with your hands! Your bacon, egg and cheese wreath looks really delicious, something that everyone will enjoy! The other yummies all look delicious too! I'll be visiting you over in your site soon. Nice to meet you. Have a lovely day.Hi Rebecca, Thank you for introducing another wonderful bloggie friend!I have made the Apricot Ginger Conserve a few days ago and it was truly delicious. I soaked the apricots first since they are dried ones. Will be posting it soon and will link it back to your site, that is, if you don't mind. Thank you, Rebecka!
It is nice to meet you Mindie! Your crafts are fun and pretty and your bacon, cheese and egg wreath looks delicious! It would make an impressive breakfast when you have company.Rebecka, thanks for introducing us to a fun and inspirational blogger. Hugs to you...Biren
Mindie Hilton
You are so sweet, thanks Rebecka!