I recently received a lovely gift(s) in the mail for winning the Culinary Smackdown Challenge Battle Chocolate hosted by Krakilette (Anette from Norway). Anette, was the winner of Battle Sandwich with her yummy Twinkle Sandwich.
Anette and I have become very good buddies over the past few months corresponding through our blogs. I never imagined I would meet so many wonderful food blogging friends through the Culinary Smackdown Challenge and the food blogging world.
Opening the package from Anette, I spied a little box of black liquorice. I have always loved the taste of black liquorice and as a professional opera/classical singer I've used liquorice to soothe my throat before performances on many occasions.
The inscription on the back of the box states..."OPERA SINGER IVAR F. ANDERSON, praises the IFA Pastille for the prevention of dryness of the throat and larynx. Highly recommended to singers, orators, smokers and sportsman". What a special treat to be given a gift that goes so well with my other favorite passion, singing opera! Anette, how did you know??
The soft little chews have just a slight hint of saltiness and the distinct strong flavor of liquorice. YUM!
Anette also sent a packet of powdered Malt, (which I plan to use the next time I make chocolate malts with the family), a cheese slicer and a bag of HAVGULL Spro Torrfiskchips! Now that's a mouth full!
The chips are made from "Torrfisk" dried Cod fish, sliced thinly and dried on racks. The chips look a lot like beef jerky and pack a whopping 83 grams of protein.
I plan to share my Torrfiskchips with my husband when he returns from China. My husband travels take him to many far away places, allowing him the pleasure of bringing home adventurous foods from his exotic destinations. I wrote a post all about the last treat he brought home from South Africa, Biltong. It was a very adventurous eating experience to say the least. I would like return the favor by offering him another adventurous eating experience of Norwegian Torrfiskchips!
Anette, Thank you so much for the gifts from Norway, and the pleasure of your friendship!!
Reminder to all my readers and guests, there are only 3 days left to enter this months Culinary Smackdown Challenge Follow the links to post your entry today!!!
kitchen flavours
What a lovely set of goodies! Interesting gifts, I have never heard of Torrfiskchips before. Sweet of Anette to send you the liquorice, that's very thoughtful of her!
I love that name, Krakilette. How nice of her to send you gifts from Norway. Enjoy your gifts and thanks for sharing.