A new "Follow My Blog Tool" Created by Brent Riggs at LinkyTools was presented to the web this week by Brent Riggs, owner of LinkyTools. I have used Brent's LinkyTools as my blogs primary Linky software for almost 2 years with great success and ease. The paid subscription is a minimal yearly fee and the rewards are worth every penny.
With the removal of GFC or Google Friend Connect this coming March, every blog space that has "Follow My Blog Feature" will have to make a change to a new service to gain the numbers of followers they've had in the past. I was super excite to learn of Brent's release of this free service and I plan to use it as my only blog "Follow Feature" in the future.
I appreciate each and everyone of you so much and can't bear to lose any of you when GFC goes away next month so please take a moment to ♥Follow Me♥! If you choose to use LinkyFollowers, follow tool let me know and I'll stop by and follow you back. It may take a few weeks to get to everyone, so we'll all have to be patient during the process.
Below is a short note from Brent.
"Two days ago I launched www.linkyFOLLOWERS.com ... A couple of thousand people have already signed up for their FREE account (and it will stay FREE, promise). People are LOVING the new site! Here’s the scoop:
As you’ve probably heard, the popular Google Friend Connect (“GFC”) is going away March 1st for non-Google blog platforms like WordPress, and the scuttlebutt is that it will be eventually phased out completely to be replaced by Google+. GFC was never really so much an “I follow this blog” tool as it was an attempt at the whole Facebook “friend, like” concept.
Bloggers need a good “follower” tool and one that is not tied to a million other services (seems like Facebook, Twitter and Google are linked to everything else on the Internet). It needs to be simple, fast, easy-to-use and reliable.
Introducing LINKY FOLLOWERS (www.linkyfollowers.com) I’ve created this FREE service that a group of mom bloggers tested and helped develop.
One last thing, the inevitable question: can my GFC followers be automatically moved over? NO. Google won’t allow access to those accounts (the part you need like email addresses) but more importantly, YOU really shouldn’t sign up someone to a new service. They should voluntarily sign up themselves. You’ll need to ask your GFC folks (and all your blog readers) to follow you using Linky Followers but its easy, quick and did I mention, free? They’ll love the tool. It’s a cool way to organize and follow the blogs you love.
You can get started by visiting: www.linkyfollowers.com Hundreds of bloggers a day are signing up. Check it out."
You’ll love the tools (FYI: to see the tool on a real blog, go to www.linkytoolsblog.com )
Best wishes,
Brent Riggs
Owner of Linky Tools
www.linkytools.com | www.brentriggs.com | www.seriouslifemagazine.com
www.linkytoolsblog.com | www.brentriggsblog.com | www.seriousfaith.com
Susan @ Oh My! Creative
I am following you back. Hope you come join my web site posting and sharing the foods you cook!Susan,http://www.ohmy-creative.com/A community to Create - Share - Inspire
Rebecka Evans
Hi Gloria, Here are a couple of links to GFC question and answer topics...http://heartifb.com/2011/11/28/google-cancels-google-friend-connect-what-that-means-for-you/http://blogging.nitecruzr.net/2011/11/google-friend-connect-accessory-to-be.htmlGFC is being replace by Google+ which is a social media much like facebook etc. You will have to switch over then rebuild your followers/Circles there however, the number and photo generated box that we now have will disappear March 1, 2012. I'll be sending an email to all of my current followers asking them to follow my blog using LinkyFollowers.com until I can find a better solution. Brent Riggs is a master computer programmer and will be adding new features to the new linky follow tool as it grows. I'm hoping it will all sort itself out but you'll need to do some damage control and get the word out to your readers before you loose them.
Google is removing the "follower's" section?? How are we supposed to know who is following us or who we follow?? I don't get it. Can you refer me to where you read this so I can read up on it please. Thanks.
kitchen flavours
Thanks Rebecka! I have not idea about this! Will definitely check this out and will follow you in this new tool once I have everything sorted out! Thanks! Have a lovely day!
America's Next Top Mommy
Thanks so much for the info! I had no idea that GFC was going bye bye!