MasterChef: Generations Season 14

On the Field Action
My mind races as I ponder our challenge and who we will cook for. I hope to be the team captain tonight to show the judges right out of the gate that I'm a leader. Lined up on the center field line, the judges arrive decked in soccer regalia to explain the challenge. We will cook for @LAFC players and their VIP guests at @BMOStadium, creating a quality restaurant meal instead of regular stadium food.
Eye Telepathy
Anna and I catch each other's eyes, and she winks at me knowingly. She says with her eyes, "You want to be team captain, right?" I'm so happy she agrees with me. Anna is given a moment to use her advantage from the previous challenge; Anna gets to pick which generations will team up; her picks are The Blue Team: Gen Z and Gen X, with Captain Becca, and the Red Team: Millennials and Boomers Team Captain Anna.
We have a quick meeting as a team to decide on a Captain when Anna speaks immediately and says, "I want to be Captain!" Well, eye telepathy is not my strong suit! With the captain position slipping through my grasp, I go with the flow and pray!
Utilizing A Small Cook Space
Our cooking space is small but has everything we need to create an excellent VIP dining experience. Menu discussion: Anna's vision for the VIP guests is a Pan-Seared Halibut with Lemon Couscous, Sautéed Squash, Broccolini, and Beurre Blanc (Classic French Butter Sauce).
Strategic Assignments
Strategically, Anna picks stations for the team. Boomers: Warren on buerre blanc sauce, Me on halibut with Anna's help, Geags and Horacio on vegetables, and Dr. Chris on prep. Millennials: Kamay is the front and back line, Jeet is the front line, and Michael is prep.
Anna may be gunning for my early departure by giving me protein, as she never returns from the front of the line to help make the fish. Is she overwhelmed, or does she trust me enough to handle it on my own? Gordon warns her to rethink having only one person on protein. In my stubbornness, I'm determined to run the station alone, knowing my skills will get me through the challenge of being the only person responsible for cooking protein for the 101 VIP guests. Call me pig headed!
First Order of Business
Our Captain, Anna, instructed us to cut the fish into smaller portions to create a more refined-looking plate. So, Kamay and I started prepping the fish by cutting them in half. Gordon arrived for a chat with our captain; I decided to use this moment to get clarification from her about the fish portions: "Whose idea was it to cut the fish?" Gordon exclaimed. Dear Lord, here we go...
Gordon explains in no uncertain terms that we made the challenge even more difficult for ourselves by multiplying the number of fish from 101 portions to 202. I head back to my station and start cooking whole pieces of fish! This is going to be a crazy night!
In The Thick Of it
Service is in full swing when I ask Anna if she needs fish, and I get silence in return. I ask again...nothing! I tell her loudly that I need at least 2 minutes to cook the fish. After what feels like a decade, she yells back, "I need fish, NOW!"
Knowing the fish is undercooked, I bring it to the pass anyway. Kamay asked if I had tested the fish's temperature. By this time, I'm about to explode! I reply, "No, but here's your fish!"
Gordon checks the fish and sees it is not cooked! Anna glares back at me! "The fish is raw!" He yells. Honestly, the fish just needed another minute to be cooked perfectly. In hindsight, I should have told Anna the fish needed one more minute to cook, but in the heat of the moment, I got angry and took the undercooked fish to the pass anyway. I will forever be known as the "Stubborn Boomer" after that moment in TV history!
If you've never cooked in the MasterChef kitchen, you won't understand the pressure that comes with it or the struggles to align yourself with people you just recently met, who are all Alpha personalities! Not to mention having Gordon, Aarón, and Joe in your face the entire time!
All I can hope for in this challenge is that we can quickly align our leadership styles if we are to pull this night off with a win!
Do I Look Hot?
Hot Pan-Burned Hand
Mid-service, Gordan sees I need help making protein, as we are behind. Mike steps in to help and adds another pan to the stovetop, which I grab with my left bare hand and scorch to bits. A blister grows as I press on... hot oil, splashing back as I flip the fish over, splattering my right pinky now, two hands burned, and still 30 minutes to go! Thankfully, the medic Chris is by my side in seconds, administering aid, allowing me to continue despite my burns. You will not see this tidbit on the show this week, as so many moments end up on the cutting room floor.
Time Is Up
The tension was palpable throughout the service, but we had some perfect moments as we finally hit our stride. I'm thankful time is up, and we are done. We finished with six people not being served! ACK!
I'm more than concerned after all our struggles to come together as a team. How did we compare the Blue Team filet? Was their dish perfectly cooked? Will the VIP guests be swayed by the Blue Team's dish over our halibut? Only time and taste will tell.
Red and Blue Team Plated Dishes “LAFC Field” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, July 17 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2024 FOXMEDIA LLC. Cr: FOX.
The Winner Is...
Red and Blue Team Drone Footage “LAFC Field” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, July 17 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2024 FOXMEDIA LLC. Cr: FOX.
The Red team Wins
Our team pulled it off, winning the first team challenge of MasterChef: Generations. I'm blown away by the win, considering I thought we lost so many times during the service. Unfortunately, the Blue Team struggled even more than we did to get the cook right on their protein, serving either over- or undercooked filets.
The protein station can be the kiss of death in the MasterChef kitchen. I'm so thankful we pulled it together and SCORED BIG as a team today!
Final Reflections
Looking back, we committed a tactical blunder. Every dish component came together on the cramped stoves we were using. I found myself pressed against a wall, juggling every flame available to cook the halibut while Warren worked on his beurre blanc sauce right beside me. Meanwhile, Geags and Horacia were squeezed at the end of their cooktops, diligently preparing the vegetables with Mike, Jeet, and Dr. Chris doing their perspective tasks. There wasn't an inch of space to spare. At that moment, I wondered why we hadn't considered using the oven to roast the vegetables.
The photo below tells the true story of our triumph over adversity and deep appreciation for each other. Sadly, you don't witness the moments when Anna and I are eye to eye, and I tell her, "I see you and your vision. We've got this!" My stubbornness and Anna's tenacity were integral to our win.
I am truly honored to bring Anna's vision for the VIP meal to fruition; knowing we will remain friends despite our MasterChef adversities is a blessing!
Lori McLain
It was amazing and felt right in the pit of my gut for you!!!! It came together because of YOU!!!! Never give up that faith! So proud to watch you shine🤗❤️
I am so thankful for you Lori! You are my biggest cheerleader and know me well enough to see beyond the edits! Love you to the moon and back!! Rebecka